The Complete Guide To BMX Pegs 

  • By: Luke James
  • Time to read: 6 min.

If you’re new to BMX, one of the things you may be wondering about is what those metal pegs sticking out of the back end of the bike are used for. But What are they for? What do they do? and Should I get one for my bike?

In this post, we’ll explain what BMX pegs are, how they’re used, and the best BMX pegs brands available in 2023.

By the end of this blog post you’ll be equipped with more than enough knowledge to know what a BMX peg is and what peg you should choose for your own needs. Keep reading to learn more! 

What Are BMX Pegs? 

BMX pegs are accessories that are used by BMX riders to perform various tricks, maneuvers and attach to the back ends of BMX bikes. BMX pegs are made of a solid piece of metal or plastic and are an essential component of the bike. 

BMX pegs attach to the back ends of BMX bikes to help with stability and supports the bike while allowing riders to perform all kinds of stunts and tricks. They allow BMX riders to do things like grind on ledges, rails, curbs, and pop up after landing a jump.  

In addition to being useful for performing difficult stunts, BMX pegs also help to customize your bike, allowing you to set it apart from other riders’ bikes. Overall, BMX pegs are a key component of any BMX bike, enabling riders to push their skills and take their rides to a whole new level. 

How To Use BMX Pegs? 

As we have discussed BMX pegs are an essential piece of BMX equipment, but they can be tricky to use. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your BMX pegs: 

– First, make sure that your BMX pegs are the correct size for your bike. BMX pegs come in a variety of sizes, so it’s important to choose the ones that will fit your bike. 

– Second, installation is key. Be sure to follow the instructions that come with your BMX pegs and take care to install them correctly. This will ensure that they work properly and that they’re safe to use. 

– Third, once you have your BMX pegs installed, take some time to practice using them. Get a feel for how they work and how they can help you improving your BMX skills.  

With a little practice, you’ll be using your BMX pegs like a pro in no time! 

How To Install Pegs On My BMX Bike?

BMX pegs installation is easy and they can be installed with just a few tools.

Tools You Will Need:

An ordinary wrench, a deep socket wrench, and a bike nut are required. To attach the pegs, use the same nuts as you used on the wheel. BMX nuts are typically 3/8 inch or 14mm in diameter.

Here Are The Steps To Install BMX Pegs:

  • Start by removing the axle nut and washer with your normal wrench.
  • Next, slide the BMX peg onto the axle, making sure that the end with the smaller diameter is facing out.
  • Finally, with the peg placed on the axle, tighten it with the deep wrench and nut until it is snug against the axle.

It’s crucial to tighten the pegs securely to avoid losing them while riding.

How To Find The Perfect BMX Pegs? 

BMX pegs come in a variety of materials, sizes, and colors. With so many options on the market, it can be tough to know which BMX pegs are right for you. Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for BMX pegs: 


The most important factor to consider is the size of your BMX bike frame. Pegs that are too big or small will not fit properly and could cause damage to your bike. 


Plastic alternatives are an excellent option if your bike is already heavy, since they won’t hinder you from jumping higher.   


Think about the type of riding you’ll be doing. If you’re planning on doing a lot of tricks, you’ll want pegs that are made from a durable material like steel. If you’re mostly just riding around town, aluminum pegs will be fine. 


Finally, consider your budget. BMX pegs range in price from around $20 to $100 or more. Be sure to buy pegs that fit both your riding needs and your budget. 

With these factors in mind, you should be able to find the perfect BMX pegs for your bike and your riding style. 

How To Do Tricks With BMX Pegs? 

BMX pegs can be a lot of fun to play around with, and there are a variety of tricks you can do to show off your skills. Here are two tricks you might want to try out if you’re a looking to learn new and easy tricks: 

Hang Five: 

The first trick is called Hang five. To perform this trick, you need to be riding a BMX bike with BMX pegs on the front wheel. The first step is to ride up to a curb or lip and approach it at an angle. As you hit the lip, you want to jump and pull up on the handlebars.

This will cause the front wheel to come up and over the lip, while your back wheel stays in place. As you land, you should be balancing on the front peg with your back wheel in the air.

The Hang five is not an easy trick to master, but it looks really cool when done correctly. With practice, you’ll be able to impress your friends by hanging five on your BMX bike. 


Another popular BMX peg trick is called the wheelie. The wheelie is like the Hang five, but instead of balancing the back wheel, you’ll balance with the front wheel.

This trick involves balancing on the BMX pegs while lifting up both wheels off of the ground, similar to a wheelie on a regular bicycle. To perform wheelies with BMX pegs, start by being in a seated position, with one foot planted firmly on each BMX peg.

Then gently push forward on both handles while simultaneously lifting up one BMX peg off of the ground using that same foot.  

With some practice and patience, you will soon be performing all kinds of awesome tricks with your BMX pegs! 

What Are Some Good BMX Peg Brands? 

As established, BMX pegs are an important part of a BMX bike, and there are a variety of brands that offer BMX pegs. Here are some of the best BMX pegs brands: 


Odyssey BMX pegs are made from heat-treated 4140 chromoly steel for strength and durability, and they offer a variety of designs to suit different riding styles. 


S&M BMX pegs are also made from heat-treated chromoly steel, and they’re available in both standard and wide sizes. 


Fit BMX pegs are made from aluminum, which makes them lightweight, and they offer a variety of colors to choose from.  

When choosing BMX pegs, it’s important to consider the material they’re made from, the size, and the design. The right BMX peg can help you ride better and make you shine in the biking field. 


A BMX peg is a metal peg attached to the back of a bike. Riders use them to balance their bikes and control their movements.

BMX pegs can be used on other types of bikes as well as BMX bikes. It is also important to choose the right BMX peg for your bike from a variety of styles and brands. Following the advice in this blog post will help you select the right BMX bike for your needs.